Hong Kong Chapter Update

Meet the alumni committed to keeping our Hong Kong alumni community connected.


Hong Kong Chapter Alumni Association Board members host Dragon Drinks at Sugar in Tai Koo Shing: Matt Sears '02, Jason Tan '96, Wei Hao Kiow '06, Liz Liang '03, Hillary Sandeen, George Coombs, Dee Mulligan, Joanne Brown, Justino Liang '01, Andrew Kwan '97, Yvonne Man '05.

The 2023-2024 cycle marked a comeback after the pandemic, with the Hong Kong Chapter-Alumni Association launching new initiatives to better engage with the broader alumni community.

We were excited to have hosted our first ever HKIS Alumni Prom, welcoming 160+ alums as well as former and current faculty on the high school campus to reconnect and take a trip down memory lane. Representatives spanning the Class of ‘95 to ‘14 showed up in their prom-ready attire for an evening of drinks, dancing, dinner in the cafeteria (yes, served on cafeteria trays!), performances from the Hong Kong Dancers, and music through the ages from alumni DJs TJ Cheng ‘07 and Kevin Hui ‘03.



Alumni return to HKIS to celebrate “Alumni Prom” in the High School gym on Saturday, June 7 hosted by the HK Chapter Alumni Association.


Current and former HKIS faculty enjoying the alumni prom. Left to right: George and Ame Coombs, Dee Mulligan, Janet Taylor, Marty Schmidt and Zella Talbot.

Click here to see more photos from the Alumni Prom.

Another first - we organized the first ever Alumni Golf Tournament. Bringing back the old (friendly) rivalry with Chinese International School, a team of HKIS alums took to the golf course in May, winning the tournament and HK$30,000 in prize money! We are excited to have presented the winnings to the school to support HKIS’ Black Kite Scholarship Program, a donor-supported scholarship fund.

We continued to hold gatherings where possible. Our evergreen alumni happy hour as well as a weekend family hike were opportunities for alums to network and just have fun! The Hong Kong Chapter-Alumni Association is run by a group of Hong Kong-based HKIS alumni who work closely with the school to enable further connectivity between the school and the Hong Kong alumni community.


Hong Kong Chapter hosted Happy Hour Dragon drinks on September 25 at the Mansion in Central.  


Pramod Sharma ‘04, Kevin Hui ‘03, Barry Cheng ‘07, Kimberly Hu ‘06 and Richard Siu ‘06 catch up at the HK Chapter hosted Happy Hour.


Hillary Sandeen from the HKIS Alumni Office with Kaichin Chang ‘99 and classmate Jaime Lo ‘99.
Right photo: Kimberly Hu ‘06, Wei Hao Kiow ‘05, and Richard Siu ‘06 catch up.


The HK Chapter Alumni Association hosted happy hour at The Mansion in Central following their AGM on September 25, 2024. Left to right: Yvonne Man ‘05, Jason Tan ‘96, Wei Hao Kiow ‘06 and Justino Liang ‘01.

If you want to learn more, please email, and to stay up to date with the latest news, follow us on Instagram @hkisalumnihk.
