Our PFO and Booster Club have done an extraordinary job creating an inclusive community for our parents and faculty. Their creativity and resiliency have shined as both groups adapted their programs to meet the needs of our teachers and students. We thank the PFO and Booster Club volunteers for their outstanding support.
Parent Faculty Organization
The PFO Board is all smiles and on-brand in orange!
Bonnie Bajaj
PFO President
Namrata Dhanuka
Renee Yip-Tang
Ann Cha
Sharene Mak
Past Officer
Fay Chang
VP Membership
Evelyn Chan
VP Events
Yvonne Lo
VP Communications
Elaine Chan Sanchez
VP Community
Annie Ho Ting
VP Hospitality
Shaline Gnanalingam
LP Divisional Rep
Marisa Zeman McConnell
UP Divisional Rep
Cheryl Tien
MS Divisional Rep
Lillian Yang
HS Divisional Rep
Bing Xiao
Chinese Studies Parent Committee (CSPC) Rep
Appointed Officers
Shaline Gnanalingam
Volunteer Coordinator
Albino Leal
Inventory Manager
Booster Club
One of the best sights on campus, Booster Club with hands full of treats!
Tori Kelly
President & MS PAG
Leslie Nogic
VP Communications & LP PAG
Sara Sundberg
Ada Wong
VP Grants
Vena Fong
VP Spirit, HS Spirit & HS PAG
Jeannie Park Cho
VP Athletics/Hospitality
Marissa Sullivan
Board Secretary
Michele Tong
VP Volunteers
Jessica Berman
LP Spirit & LP PAG
Crystal Song
LP Spirit & CSPC
Janet Wang
UP Spirit & UP PAG
Lillian Lee
MS Spirit
Dorothy Leung
MS Spirit
Andrea Li
MS Spirit
Judith Shen Tseung
VP Sustainability
Weiwei Li
VP Arts
Sandy Lin
Torch Manager
Anj Lengel
Dragon Shop Manager