Veronica (Galbraith) Booth ’97,
Public Relations & Communications Manager
Hello HKIS,
This Summer 2021 issue is quite a nostalgic one for me. It’s taken me right back to my days as an HKIS student in the late 1990s and the plentiful service opportunities available to us even “way back then” (it doesn’t feel that long ago!). In this magazine, Dr. Marty Schmidt (a High School Humanities teacher in my day and now) talks about the development of the service program in the High School, which I can remember so clearly - the Service on Saturdays work, the service Interims across the region - all of which left a profound impact on so many of my fellow alumni and me.
It was unsurprising but still moving to discover, once I returned to work at HKIS nearly 20 years later, that the focus on service had been thoughtfully and carefully developed by teachers, students, staff and administrators, with deep roots in Hong Kong and farther afield. In the process of putting together this issue I got to see first hand how our current students dedicate their lives to service, through our (newly re-named) Seeds of Service program. It was a pleasure! Special thanks to Nicole Tan ’21, Grace Cao ’21, and Kezia Leung '21, for sharing their insight and plans on ensuring service in the High School remains at the heart of student life. Theirs is our feature story.
We’re very happy to share this first complete issue of DragonTales with you on our new app. We’ve received great feedback on the mini-issue launched a few short weeks ago and are pleased with the positive response on our move to paperless publication. Please continue to be in touch to tell us what you think about our magazine, and what stories you’d like to see!
Every issue of DragonTales is a collaborative effort! Many thanks to our contributors from across the divisions, especially Edmond Li for sharpening our focus on service, and former HKIS administrator and French teacher Nancy Kroonenberg for her excellent editing advice (for this and many, many other issues!).
Veronica (Galbraith) Booth ’97
Thank you to our contributors!
Saba Ahmad, Doug Baker, Seth Baker '91, Bonnie Bajaj, Zachary Berkenkotter ’22, Allan Butcher, Grace Cao ’21, Angelica Cheng ’19, Yoonjung Choi ’23, Leontine Chuang ’92, Katherine Creedon, Greg Edwards, Jeremy Evans ’93, Kevin Fields, Lauren Fine, Giorgia Franchi '01, Brittany Fried '15, Jacqui Hutchings, Hiroko Kawase ’22, Dana Kim ’25, Kirk Kenny, Claire Kirk, Nancy Kroonenberg, Derek Kwik ’86, Kit Lang, Jasmine Lau '08, Ariane Lee ’25, John Lee, Tamara (Scarbrough) Mehta ‘77, Marissa Miller ’25, Phillip Ng, Aidan Ngai ’22, Adam Pecher, Marcela Pietro-Millan, Gayle Renken, Mohamed Saleh, Pastor Joel Scheiwe, Jeff Seaberg, Stephanie Sue, Nicole Tan ’21, Torch, Fanny Tsui, Jillian Tunnicliff ’22, Elizabeth Wang, Kenix Yip, and all our fabulous student artists.
This issue of DragonTales was produced by members of the HKIS Advancement & Marketing team:
Carrie Chen, Veronica (Galbraith) Booth '97, Isabela Hollingshead, Anita Lam, Timothy Loo, and Hillary Sandeen.