

A Heart for Service

by Kristi Granquist
Upper Primary Associate Principal

A school’s mission is the heart that beats life into its form. It sets the stage for all of the work that we do, decisions we make, and ultimately – who we become. Here at HKIS, one cannot go too long without knowing what we strive for: Dedicating our minds to inquiry, our hearts to compassion, and our lives to service and global understanding.


Mr. Stan Krause leads Student Council members in organizing a Helper Appreciation Day for over 100 helpers invited by Upper Primary students. 

At the Upper Primary, we believe service starts at a very young age, and to cultivate it, you need adults who walk the mission, live it, breathe it. One such person is fourth grade teacher Stan Krause, who joined the Upper Primary 10 years ago. A long-time Student Council advisor, Stan’s passion is to help Upper Primary students demonstrate leadership through compassion. This involves field trips to local NGOs, such as Crossroads, to help them learn more about the impact of poverty on people’s lives. Service initiatives, such as Helper Appreciation Day, give student leaders the opportunity to learn first hand the ways in which humans depend on each other.

To broaden service learning beyond the Student Council, Stan initiated a Service Club after school that is open to those interested in contributing to society. Each term, some 20+ students gather after school to research causes that interest them, discuss the challenges those in need are facing, and how young people can take action. The club’s core mission is to help students think about the needs of the world and to think of themselves as part of the solution. What emerges are compassionate young people who aren’t afraid to engage with some of the world’s most difficult challenges. As we imagine the future for our graduates, it warms my heart to know our students have been shepherded by our program and the adults in our community to develop a heart for service. 


The Upper Primary Service Club.

Stan will return to Canada to be with his family at the end of the school year. He will be remembered for his daily impact on students and his team. Whether it’s introducing great music to students through tune tournaments, keeping an open door for all, or offering a perfectly timed quip during a faculty meeting, Stan has always looked for ways to make all people feel included within the UP community. I’m inspired by knowing that ultimately his faith is the driving force behind his life’s mission: 

“God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them.”

Hebrews 6:10

And, neither will our community. Thank you, Stan! 


On a service trip in the Philippines over Spring Break 2018 with several students in his 4th grade class and their families. During that semester, Stan’s class was studying the work of International Care Ministries on delivering education to ultrapoor families in the Philippines.
