Four Stories of Spirituality


Carrie Chen, Chrisie Wong, and Pastor Joel Scheiwe meet with Alan Zhou's father, Zhou Zhijun at his Wang Chuk Hang studio.

"Grounded in the Christian faith." For many in the HKIS community, this part of the school’s mission statement kindles varied sentiments across the HKIS Community: Character education with good morals, a mandatory course in the curriculum, a Christian school with Christian values, an opportunity for students to engage in a spiritual journey, and many more. It is certain that Christianity is seen and heard in a guiding manner, but without necessarily expecting that students would become Christians while at HKIS.

The specifics of how this Christian ethos functions at HKIS, especially in connection to “respecting the spiritual lives of all”, are topics discussed during the annual GIFTS Conference scheduled this year for November 11, 2023. Regardless of this ongoing discussion about what “grounded in the Christian faith” means, four stories in the HKIS community make it clear that God is at work at HKIS.

Meet Four People Who
Found God at HKIS

Brennan Lee ‘23, a High School Senior, encountered Jesus during a difficult time during 10th grade. Some of his friends were Christian and invited him to a lunchtime hangout in the High School Spiritual Life Office. Here, students had interesting conversations about faith and life with Church of All Nations youth worker Kevin Kong. Through the support of his Dad, he embarked on a journey of Catholic Confirmation at the age of 17 and continues to learn more about the faith through his church, FISH Club, and Alpha at HKIS.
Read Brennan's full story here.

For Theresa Lovelin, coming to Hong Kong and to HKIS was part of an intricate plan by God. Theresa arrived in Hong Kong in June 2017 when her husband Dave Lovelin became High School Principal. While here, she met Jesus, became a committed Christian, and was baptized at the Church of All Nations. Looking back, Theresa sees the seeds planted throughout her life and can confidently say that HKIS was an important stepping stone in her lifelong journey of spirituality.
Read Theresa's full story here.

Nathan Lam ‘29 attended his first Middle School Chapel at the beginning of sixth grade and told his Mom about it. Curious, his Mom asked him if he believed in Jesus, and Nathan said, “Yes.” After this brief but typical conversation with a Middle School boy, Nathan was inspired to get baptized and got to it right away. Since he already had a baptism book at home – it seems seeds had already been planted previously – he was able to be baptized within weeks. Nathan has grown up in a Christian family and so the content of his New Testament course and Chapel experience are not new for him. But when school and home intersect, it creates a spark!

Alan Zhao ‘31 didn’t like to miss out. It was his good friend Emmanuel who invited him to church, and when Communion took place, Alan wanted to know what he had to do to take part. The two friends joined JOY Club, the Christian after-school club, and continued to attend church together each week to learn more about the Bible. After three months, Alan was baptized. Alan comes from a non-Christian family, but his family has walked alongside him through this journey of faith and embraced his decision. Friendship, support from his family, and God’s prompting have been Alan’s greatest gifts this year!
Read Alan's full story here.

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