Originally written for the 1968 Orientale Yearbook by Robert E. Christian, HKIS' first Head of School from 1966-1977.


     You, as Seniors, have had the responsibility of being placed into a position of leadership, literally "overnight". You have had the opportunity to develop a school tradition, a basic student attitude, a set of goals for the future. While you've personally been concerned about studies, about college entrance, about future plans, you've also been deeply involved in establishing programs in the school—yearbook, athletics, student council, social activities. This has been a busy and productive year.
     Perhaps also, your exposure to a school program which centers about a Christian understanding of life and the life hereafter, has been a different type of experience for you. I trust that it has been beneficial, that it has stimulated and influenced your thinking. 
     After high school graduation, a class separates into many directions. However, seldom does a class spread out as much as do the graduates of an International School. However, it is my hope and my fervent prayer that, as you leave, God will guide you and bless you in your future endeavors...and some day, as you again pass through Hong Kong, you may walk up that valley in Repulse Bay to recall events and experiences that by this time have been absorbed into the fullness of life, life which finds you making a full contribution, regardless of where you live, what your vocation is, and what goals you have planned for yourselves. 

God bless you, 
"Mr. Christian"

Find out more about the lasting legacy of HKIS' first Head of School in the newest DragonTales issue!

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