The Last Word


JACQUI (MCKAY) HUTCHINGS was working at Debut XC hair salon in Parkview in 1996 when she opened a Dollarsaver magazine and saw a job at HKIS: High School Secretary. High School Associate Principal Fritz Voeltz interviewed Jacqui, offered her the job, and the HKIS story commenced: On September 11, 1996, Jacqui started working in the High School Office.

Jacqui loved the daily interaction with students and faculty, where she supported Fritz in his role as Associate Principal for Student Life. In 2005, she moved to the Head of School Office to support Jim Handrich (Associate Head of School), where she remained until her departure from HKIS on March 31, 2021.

In the past 12 years, her work focused primarily on supporting the Office of Professional Development, originally under the guidance of Karen Rohrs and more recently with Don Drake. Here are some Hutchings Highlights!


In the Yearbook from her first position as Assistant Principal Secretary in 1997.

"When I flip to the back of DragonTales where alumni announce celebrations, I often recognize student names, and I think, “oh gosh, you’re married now, you’ve graduated from university, you’ve got a family”, and it’s really nice to see..."

I managed the High School Interim program for six years and had the privilege of joining four student Interim trips including adventures in New Zealand with Fritz Voeltz, Biking in Sabah with Mike Baker, Golfing in Thailand with Mike Baker and David Elliott, and service work in Calcutta with Karen Fish.

When you have 800-900 students and all the faculty involved in various activities (both in Hong Kong and overseas), it was a worrying time when the groups set off on their adventures. There was always a huge sense of relief when everyone arrived back safely to their Hong Kong home. It was lovely to hear the students’ excitement when Interim stories were shared, and more so when the experiences of Interim Week led to new paths for our students.

Many students continued with service work or developed a new-found skill just from the initial introduction brought about by the Interim experience.
In the Professional Development (PD) Department I had the privilege of meeting and working with many world renowned education consultants. Although it was a very busy and rather stressful workload managing the logistics of PD conferences and workshops, there were many moments of “a job well done”, especially when positive feedback was received or when attendees returned for other PD events held at HKIS.


Say cheese! Jacqui with the High School administration team in 2000.

HKIS is a very caring place; people really support each other. It is a special family. I always felt blessed to work at HKIS, and being a working mum I felt very supported by my colleagues and always by my supervisors.

I couldn’t list everybody who is dear to me – there are too many special people – but I do want to do a special “shout out” to Don Drake, Ron Roukema, Hui Xu, Fay Leong, Doris Lau, Linda Anderson, Karen Rohrs, Yvonne Phelps, Jim Handrich, and Fritz and Lois Voeltz in Colorado. My 7th floor Advancement buddies, and all the support staff who I have worked with over the years, “I miss you all”.

DragonTales has been a fabulous way to see how students have progressed on their life journey. When I flip to the back of DragonTales where alumni announce celebrations, I often recognize student names, and I think, “oh gosh, you’re married now, you’ve graduated from university, you’ve got a family”, and it’s really nice to see alumni keeping in touch with HKIS and sharing their stories.

I am now back in England (9,545 km from Hong Kong). It's a long way from HKIS (!!!), but HKIS will always remain close to my heart.


Family time Oscar, Jacqui, Jason, and Lucy Hutchings.

Stay in touch with Jacqui, now in North Yorkshire, England!
