


A portrait of the HKIS Board of Managers in early 2021.

On behalf of the HKIS Board of Managers, we thank our students, parents, faculty, staff, alumni and friends for their dedication and commitment to HKIS during another challenging year. Despite the ongoing difficulties, we are able to deliver on our educational promise to our students, and we extend our appreciation to all who gave their time, energy, and financial support to our wonderful school.

The many donors and volunteers whose names are listed in this Report made a significant difference this year through their support. Your generous contributions to the Annual Fund, the new Student Activity Center and other campus projects, scholarships, and endowment ensure the continued strength of our programs and our ability to provide an exceptional experience for our students.
Our caring community shapes us in so many positive ways and for this reason we are profoundly grateful. Thank you!

Warm regards,

Harold Kim 
Chair, HKIS Board of Managers

Wei Dian
Chair, HKIS Advancement Committee
