DragonTales: Power of Place

DragonTales: Power of Place
Published on 11 April 2021


HKIS's Annual General Meeting was a virtual affair this year! Our first fully-digital DragonTales gives you a glimpse of the issues presented, including the "Power of Place".


11 articles from this collection:
How to Read This Issue
How to Read This Issue
From the Editor
From the Editor
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 - The Power of Place 1
1 - The Power of Place 1
1 - The Power of Place 2
1 - The Power of Place 2
2 - Building to Grow
2 - Building to Grow
3 - Financial Snapshot
3 - Financial Snapshot
4 - Admissions Snapshot
4 - Admissions Snapshot
5 - Giving Page
5 - Giving Page
6 - Behind the Scenes
6 - Behind the Scenes
7 - Student Spotlight
7 - Student Spotlight